How to use this plugin

Autotask Ticket Lookup menu
First, you need to make sure your Autotask account has API access enabled. To do this, you must contact Autotask support either by email or phone. Once you have confirmed your API access, you can begin setting up the plugin. The settings page can be found under Settings -> AT Ticket Lookup on your WordPress administrative dashboard. Enter your username and password, and follow the instructions to select the correct Autotask region for your account. At this time, you can test your API connection using the “Test” function. After that, it is a simple matter to put the relevant shortcodes on whichever Page or Post you would like the search form and results to be placed on. You can choose to use the Contact search form, the Ticket Number search form, or both.
Basic settings

API User Credentials
The first section you are presented with will ask you for a login username and password. This would be an Autotask user created in your organization. Confirm you have access to the API, and enter your details here.

Account Region Setting
You must then enter the correct region for your account. Autotask hosts its accounts on different servers for different regions, and to query the API correctly you must have the proper server selected. You can verify your region by logging into your Autotask Dashboard, and in the URL you will see a number following “ww” at the beginning. You can also confirm your region by running the “Test API” function on the Test tab. The test will return the full API address for your account.

Account Filter
Optional – Filter ticket searches to a specific account. This is useful if you don’t want someone scanning through your tickets phishing for corporate information. We use it to limit ticket lookups to our residential clients, as can be seen in the screenshot above.
API Test

API Connection Test
You can use this section to test your Autotask organization’s API connectivity, your user credentials are correct, and you have the proper zone selected for your account.
Formatting Options
Optional – We have set up a system to allow custom formatting of all code blocks that the plugin puts out. The procedure is the same for all sections, and each one should be pretty self explanatory. We have included screenshots of our formatting, which used styles from our theme. You can see it in action by clicking “Client Portal” at the top of our header.

Contact Search Form Format

Ticket Search Form Format

Contact Output Format

Ticket Format

Ticket Time Entry Format

Ticket Note Format